ARC Fire Training Services …. Commercial & Industrial Fire Training …. UK & International …. We Come To You ….
Contact Us Today on +44(0) 7931 566295
5 Day Seminars .... Any Location .... designed to train your managers and supervisory staff in the best practice HAZARD MANAGEMENT techniques and Supervision of incidents

It is essential under government legislation that every company has adequately trained Fire Wardens on duty. Arc Fire Training Services will train your staff to JOIFF and IFE accredited standards. Industrial - Commercial & Petro-Chemical Fire Team Training Fire Teams form a vital part of your company emergency response training. Arc Fire Training Services will train your staff to JOIFF standards with training designed to meet the risks. Fire Team Member - Full Basic Fire Training, Fire Team Leader - Emergency Response Leader Training.

Management & Supervisor Leadership Training - for Crisis Hazard Situations requiring Emergency Response Major Hazard Situations in any Industrial, Commercial or the Oil & Gas Industry are fast moving, often dangerous and can be chaotic. Has YOUR management team been trained by professionals? The sheer range of potential incidents and emergencies that can disrupt or even stop production are increasing. If managed correctly then not all of these incidents will become critical or be classed as a crisis.

The course is designed for companies whose staff may be required to enter areas that are classified as confined spaces and where there may be a risk of serious injury or death. The aim of this course will be to provide awareness of a safe working environment within a confined space and to make staff aware of procedure, to ensure a safe access and egress from a confined space and to have emergency procedures in place in the event of an emergency arising whilst operators are working in the confined space.
Welcome to Arc Fire Training Services
Training your employees not only fulfils your legal and moral responsibilities but is financially desirable. Many businesses that have a fire never recover the loss of contracts and goodwill and go out of business. Training can be expensive but with over 30 years in Emergency Response Management including twenty eight years with the UK Fire & Rescue Service as an Operational Fire Officer, Instructor/Trainer and Safety Officer We come to you or your venue to train your staff on-site or at a selected venue therefor saving you: Time, Costs, Site Specific rather than generic training and keeps your staff available.
I regularly attended large complicated incidents as Officer in Charge of tactics responsible for the deployment of personnel and equipment and well understand your concerns. I will assess your staff and write training programmes to SUIT YOU. A secretary trained in the use of extinguishers can save your business. A staff member trained in 1st Aid can save your life. After retiring on pension I was employed as a consultant trainer by the world renowned Fire Service College, Moreton in Marsh in Gloucestershire and in Kuwait. I have a broad experience of hands on Emergency Response Management and the knowledge to teach it. I have worked as a consultant and training officer for several international companies in the oil fields of Libya and trained fire officer students from Abu Dhabi and from all over the world.

I particularly enjoy staff training as Fire Marshalls to give them confidence. The fire teams from OIL/LNG & LPG installations from all over the UK and the Merchant navy as often, they have volunteered for this often dangerous and arduous task in addition to their normal duties. It is in this area that my long years of experience can best be utilised working at national and international locations. Assessing and providing a realistic and cost effective programme at your own location to remedy any deficiency. This saves the large cost of sending students on residential courses. It is often the quick thinking that training encourages that prevents a minor situation becoming a serious event as was the case at Buncefield and so preventing serious dislocation of resources and massive financial loss.
We offer the following training courses written and prepared. We can also adapt any training required for local circumstances.
Some of the services we offer:
National & International Accredited Confined Space (3 Year Entrant & Train the Trainer Certificates) available for:
- Oil & Gas Industry
- Construction Industry
- Manufacturing
- Specialist Work
Training conducted at your site subject to a suitable Risk Assessment.
- Staff Safety Induction
- Confined Space Training
- Training Conducted at your own venue
- Basic Fire Fighting for Civilian Staff including Extinguisher Training
- Fire Risk Assessment
- Evacuation Chair Supply & Training
- Fire Marshall & Responsible Person
- HSE Safety Officer Risk Assessment
- Well Head and Valve Down Fire-Fighting
- Aircraft Fire-Fighting
- SCBA Training
- Basic Employee Fire Training
- LNG/LPG Training
- Incident Command & Leadership
- HSE First Aid
- Fire Team Member & Fire Team Leader
- Specialist Officer Hazmats and Radiation
- H2S & Gas Safety
- Vehicle Safety & Rescue

Call us today, you won't be disappointed with the services we provide.
+44 (0)7931 566295